For the first project in my Digital Arts 2 class, I'm using the Mad Mapper software to do projection mapping. I am incredibly excited about this project because I already have a mini projector at home and I'm excited to see what I can do with it. I have a few ideas of some visuals I want to create. I would love to make something insanely trippy and hallucinogenic. My object is to make it as bright as possible, with super saturated and bright colors. To be honest, I want to make the whole thing look like a DMT trip projected onto the wall. I use to wish I could take my ideas and thoughts and project them. Now that I think about it, this is actually pretty similar. So I'm just really excited to make something new and make it sick and beautiful. Awesome!
Project 1 Final Blog
After completing my first project for this class, I feel I did a successful job of conveying my theme and my overall meaning for the project. I used mad mapper to finish the whole thing, and it honestly turned out super well. I used a series of gifs and put them all together and projected the final product onto my wall for the class. I think one thing that could have made it better is if I extended the mad mapper software and used it to project onto something like objects or a certain background. Overall though, I feel I did a good job and I loved the video I created. Because I played the video live and couldn't save it, I am going to insert some of the gifs I actually used for the video to show you the overall theme.
For the second project, the glitch project, I am excited to incorporate coding with using images. I think while doing every pop quiz from this unit, I really enjoyed every step because of how much I enjoy coding. Every pop quiz I did was enjoyable and exciting which I found to be really helpful and actually quite relaxing. I want to do a series of glitches using processor and photoshop. I think it's really great to see what I can come up with. I also enjoy how coding is so effective in the use of glitching images because it takes a lot more brainpower and understanding to get the desired outcome. My overall theme is just natural simplicity. I want to use images that don't look like they belong as a glitch, but I want to make it seem as though it was a real glitch the whole time.